Ordering format for gBlocks Gene Fragment Libraries. Placing a K mixed base in the third position of codons eliminates the TAA and TGA stop codons from being included in the gene fragments libraries, leaving only TAG as the possible stop codon.
The effect of error rate on predicted cloning success. With an industry leading error rate of up to 1:12,000 for gBlocks HiFi Gene Fragments, IDT Gene Fragments demonstrate a high probability of first-time cloning success. Compared with alternate suppliers, gBlocks fragments and gBlocks HiFi fragments are up to 45% more likely to give a correct clone the first time when cloning fragments up to 3000 bps.
Demonstrated cloning efficiency. Based on NGS sequencing of over 500 clones, gBlocks HiFi Gene Fragments (1000–3000 bp) and gBlocks Gene Fragments (125–3000 bp) exhibited a high degree of cloning success. Compared to an alternate provider, gBlocks fragments and gBlocks HiFi fragments showed a significant improvement in cloning efficiency leading to a reduction in the time and cost to find a correct clone.